Sunday, October 24, 2010

EastFax universal Tianjin "ce soir"

"Evening News" - currently the largest circulation in Tianjin, the most extensive coverage, the most influential daily newspaper recently consolidated class to achieve full application of EastFax paperless fax delivery, management.
Tianjin "Today Evening" on July 1, 1984 the Foundation, wrote the header of Deng Xiaoping, Peng Zhen, Deng Yingchao inscription. "Evening News" has become a daily circulation of 12 to 16 version off, daily circulation of more than 70 million copies, becoming the largest circulation in Tianjin at present, the most extensive coverage, the most influential daily newspaper with a comprehensive class. Evening newspaper now has two newspapers and one journal that: "Today Evening", "Tianjin Old Times" and "today in Tianjin."

Newspaper, is the largest unit dealing with the text, fax is the use of frequent, essential communication tools, increasing the amount of lead struggling with fax machines, management confusion, reduced efficiency, the cost of greatly increased, this problem has been gradually lead to the newspaper's management attention and actively looking for solutions. EastFax newspaper category for the unit provides a complete fax solution, not only within the newspaper's staff do not have to sweat the fax machine and the seat between the sending and receiving in the computer, management, fax, even those outside the media are often provided a convenient by remote means the first time in the press immediately, accurately fax to the newspaper, not only avoids the instability of mail, but also realized the fax communication costs to zero.

EastFax application in the newspaper, fax and more thoroughly resolved before the chaos, the high cost and low efficiency of the phenomenon, I believe EastFax will increase the process of China's newspaper media information helping!

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Call the API function in VB dynamic change and recover the screen settings

For Windows platforms, the number of display Resolution and color is important, especially for multimedia applications and games. But in many cases, users do not fit the current screen to set the software needed for the operation. Software usual practice is to prompt the user to set the screen to the software requirements of the Resolution and the number of colors, and then restart the software. This will undoubtedly increase the burden on ordinary users and difficult operation, reducing the software-friendliness and ease of use.
---- Ideally: the beginning of the software, to dynamically change screen settings to meet the requirements of the software is running. After running the software, then automatically changes the screen to set the value back to the original settings. All these processes are completed in unknowingly. This approach can be called by the VB API (application program interface) functions do. Achieved as follows:

---- 1, open a standard EXE project.

---- Second, in the "Project" under the menu bar, select "Add Module", add a module for the project.

---- And add the following code in the module:

'--------------- The following code to get the screen to set parameters --------------
Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib
"Gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long,
ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
'API function taking the specified device information
Public Const HORZRES = 8
'Three screens constants
Public Const VHORZRES = 10
Public Const BITSPIXEL = 12
'--------------- Through the character data type conversion COPY --------------
Private Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32"
Alias "lstrcpyA" (lpString1 As Any, lpString2 As Any) As Long
'------------------ The following structure for the screen initialization -----------------

Private Type DEVMODE
dmDeviceName As String backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6 -tar.gz xml2dict-read-only CCHDEVICENAME
dmSpecVersion As Integer
dmDriverVersion As Integer
dmSize As Integer
dmDriverExtra As Integer
dmFields As Long
dmOrientation As Integer
dmPaperSize As Integer
dmPaperLength As Integer
dmPaperWidth As Integer
dmScale As Integer
dmCopies As Integer
dmDefaultSource As Integer
dmPrintQuality As Integer
dmColor As Integer
dmDuplex As Integer
dmYResolution As Integer
dmTTOption As Integer
dmCollate As Integer
dmFormName As String backup bin bin_old conf config crawler.tar.gz crawler_bin.tar.gz data eshow eshow_sitemap.html google.html google.html.md5 log maint news: 10 news: 11 news: 12 news: 13 news: 14 news: 15 news: 16 news: 17 news: 18 news: 2 news: 3 news: 4 news: 5 news: 6 news: 7 news: 8 news: 9 outboundLinksMgr.sql seeds sitemap.html svn tasks tmp xml2dict-2008.6 -tar.gz xml2dict-read-only CCHFORMNAME
dmUnusedPadding As Integer
dmBitsPerPel As Integer
dmPelsWidth As Long
dmPelsHeight As Long
dmDisplayFlags As Long
dmDisplayFrequency As Long
End Type
'------------------ Settings screen core API -----------------
Private Declare Function ChangeDisplaySettings
Lib "User32" Alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsA"
(ByVal lpDevMode As Long, ByVal dwflags As Long) As Long
'------------------ Settings screen function -----------------
Public Function SetDispMode (Width As Integer,
Height As Integer, Color As Integer) As Long
(SetDispMode constructed their own set of functions to change the screen,
Its three parameters Width, Height, and Color are the horizontal screen resolution
Vertical resolution, color bits, so its value can be 24,16,0. 0 is the original color settings. )
Const DM_PELSWIDTH = & H80000
Const DM_PELSHEIGHT = & H100000
Const DM_BITSPERPEL = & H40000
Dim NewDevMode As DEVMODE
Dim pDevmode As Long
With NewDevMode
. DmSize = 122
If Color = 0 Then
'If Color = 0 only change the screen resolution, without changing color.
'If the Color range from 0 to change the screen resolution and color.
End If
. DmPelsWidth = Width
. DmPelsHeight = Height
If Color <> 0 Then
. DmBitsPerPel = Color
End If
End With
pDevmode = lstrcpy (NewDevMode, NewDevMode)
'Get a pointer to the structure of the Long NewDevMode type of pointer.
ChangeDisplaySettings pDevmode, 0
End Function

---- 3, in the project form, add two buttons Command1 and Command2, the Caption property were "800x600x16" and "restore the original settings."

---- The code is:

'Window "General | Statement" area
Option Explicit
Dim H, V, Color As Long
'Reputation variable, the initial screen to save the settings
Private Sub Form_Load ()
'--------------- The following code to get the initial screen equipment --------------
H = GetDeviceCaps (Form1.hdc, HORZRES)
V = GetDeviceCaps (Form1.hdc, VHORZRES)
Color = GetDeviceCaps (Form1.hdc, BITSPIXEL)
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click ()
'Call function to change the screen settings SetDispMode
SetDispMode 800, 600, 16
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click ()
'To restore the original settings screen
SetDispMode Cint (H), Cint (V), Cint (Color)
End Sub

---- 4, will compile the implementation.

---- After the execution of this program, if you click Command1, then your computer screen display mode will be set to "800x600x16" display mode; If you click Command2, then your computer screen display mode will be set to the original display mode. This procedure slightly modified, can be placed on the desktop or taskbar, quick changes directly to the screen settings.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Security World Asia-Pacific will be the new economic CCAC2008

7-9 June 2008, China Fourth China Engineering Analysis CAE Technology Conference (CCAC 2008) opened in Xi'an. As the largest CAE technology and service provider safety and the world will bring many of its Asia Pacific Star products and self-developed innovative technology at the collection of simulation, virtual reality technology, the latest event, the participants complete product solutions. Sincerely look forward to your visit and guide.

The annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Security unveiled the world's major products will be business led collaborative simulation platform PERA, bring your new lean R & D concept. And will include mechanical, electromagnetic, fluid system of the three products and aerospace, electronic power, petrochemical, automotive, marine and other industries covering all areas of simulation solutions for the industry.

Then, from the Security World Asia-Pacific technical experts will visit the venue, through the brilliant presentation of thematic reports show the company's strong product features, and on industry hot topics and the participants discussed in depth.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coreldraw draw cute Doraemon

Doraemon is a favorite of several generations won the classic animated image, he used his magical treasure bag and all kinds of wonderful props to us into a world full of imagination. Today we would use Coreldraw to paint a lovely picture it looks like it:

Effect Picture

Production steps:

1, the first painting. Draw an ellipse with the Ellipse tool, filling the blue, custom contour width, line Do not be too rough on the line.

Figure 1

2, face painting. Copy a head, narrow point, filled white to form a face.

Figure 2

3, drawing the eyes. Draw an ellipse with the Ellipse tool, fill the white, then draw a small oval, fill it with black, forming eyes, and finally draw a smaller oval form filling white eye reflection.

After completion of one eye Ctrl + G group, the level of copy on the other side after flipping to form a pair.

Figure 3

4, painting the nose and mouth. First draw a small oval, filling red, forming the nose, and then hand-painted tools to draw a vertical line, use the Bezier tool to draw a final upturned at both ends of the arc formed upper lip.

Figure 4

5, drawing his beard and mouth. Using Bezier tool to draw a semicircle, with the shape tool to adjust into the following form, fill in red, the formation of the mouth.
Draw three straight lines with hand-painted tools, rotation about the angle, forming one side of the beard, group and come back with a horizontal flip on the nose after the other.

Figure 5

6, drawing the tongue. First draw a quadrilateral with Bezier tool, after the adjustment smooth transfer music, fill the orange. Welding can also be the way with two oval form.

Figure 6

7, painting the body. Draw the basic shapes with the Bezier tool, Ctrl + Q to the curve with the shape tool to regulate smooth, filling the blue.

Figure 7

8, drawing hands and feet. With the ellipse tool and a small painting of two oval, white filling, put the body on the formation of hands. Foot oval is the first painting, then crushed a little, on the lowest level on it.

Figure 8

9, drawing belly and pocket. First draw an oval flattened belly filled with a white point; pocket directly draw elliptical shape tool and then transferred into a semi-circular, elliptical or rectangular cut is required.

Figure 9

10, draw a red ribbon around his neck. Compared with two oval cut can also use the Bezier tool to draw directly upon the basic form of regulation form, fill red.

Figure 10

11, art bell around the neck. First draw an oval shape, to curve in the shape of tools used to add a node in the lower double-click, drag up the formation of the gap, filling yellow. Then draw a small oval on the gap is also filled with yellow. Finally, the rectangle tool, set radius to 30 or so, draw a rounded rectangle shape tool used to adjust the curve upward into a curved shape, filling brown.

Figure 11

12, the bell placed in the red ribbon below to all parts of the Select All, Ctrl + G group, completed!

Figure 12

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Monday, July 26, 2010

"To 3Hmis take a Chinese name" 4999 yuan Prize Zhengminghuodong

Shorin technology "to 3Hmis take a Chinese name" 4999 yuan Prize Zhengminghuodong

I. Overview of activities
3Hmis is Shorin proprietary technology developed software products, the software development history can be traced back to 1988, is the earliest one of knowledge management software platform. The software's main features include: document management, unified content management, integrated knowledge management, and information management Zuzhijiagou Yi Zhi, organizational and personal blog Ji Tong, forums Zhongxin and online meetings, business point of Ti Xing Guan Jian and management practices in line with China Ren collaboration and process management to SMS-based mobile extensions, office services management, knowledge search and knowledge to support and so on.

More than 20 years ago, software developers keep up with the pace of technological development, excellence, continuous improvement, innovation, knowledge management software is always in the forefront of technological development in the company's success, it also gives the user satisfaction and joy of success. In order to better enable customers memories, exchange and use of 3Hmis, Shorin and Technology decided to 3Hmis take a Chinese name, and sign the name of an open way, welcome to play smart, enthusiastic for the 3Hmis name.

Second, sign name required
Require you to submit the name has the following characteristics:
1, the name must be Chinese, to 2-3 characters better.
2, the name seeking a simple, easy to remember, popular, elegant, easy to catchy, with a spread of.
3, the name implies to meet the product characteristics, that name can be associated with product features and services available.
4, requests can be combined with the product name (such as knowledge management platform, xx, xx Digital Archives, xx documentation centers, etc.).
5, works must be submitted by the applicant is the first release candidate of original and must not infringe the intellectual property of others lawfully and in accordance with company name and trademark name of the relevant laws and regulations. Bulletin
6, the applicant to submit creative name, which is accepted all the terms of this Zhengminghuodong Rules, submitted the name of the copyright Shorin technology all.

Third, collecting stage
Phase I:
Signs were stage 1 January 2010 to August 30, 2010
Users to submit the name of the creative reception, in the meantime, Shorin Technology will conduct a monthly late middle contest, each selected 5-10 creative name, and published on the website in Shorin technology, creative middle name of the selected Candidates receive souvenir, re-elected next month, repeatable access to souvenirs.
After the new name, stage will be the first board of directors selected 10 outstanding finalists about the name, and then vote a second round selection.

The second stage:
Selection phase of Sept. 20, 2010 to October 30, 2010
By online voting and the Board of Directors jointly selected the best name, as the use of the name, and preferred name for the first 10 awards, with a total prize money of 4,999 yuan bonus.

Fourth, participation methods
Access activities page, you can submit their own creative Chinese name, the specific methods are:
1 The form in Zhengminghuodong relevant content, and press the submit button to submit their ideas (check for duplicate names before you submit).
2, a person may submit multiple names, but each name only accept the first candidates to submit applications.
3, submit content must be complete and submit the contact information must be accurate, if as the author's contact information is incorrect and can not contact the authors, may lead to not receive Zhengminghuodong reward.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

MP3 Converter - rm,asf,mpg,wmv,mp3,ogg

MP3 Converter is an easy-to-use, fast, and powerful audio conversion software. MP3 Converter can convert RM,RMVB,WMV,AVI,MPEG,MOV,QT to MP3,WAV,AVI,WMA,OGG.

Key Features:
1. Edit MP3 ID3 v1/v2 tag info.
2. Multiple OGG compressor Vorbis,FLAC,Speex,Theora.
3. Sample Rate(48K,44.1K,32K,22K,16K,8K), Stereo/Mono and Bit Rate(8kb/sec - 320kb/sec), customize the size of target audio file.
4. Convert to Windows Media Audio by System Profiles.
5. Convert by multiple compressor for converting WAV, AVI format.
6. Convert by selected part, you can split the media to parts.
7. It can converts from audio and extract audio from video to WAV, MP3, MPEG Audio,AVI audio only files.
8. Convert from AIFF, AU, MP3, MPA, RealAudio RA/RAM, SND,WAV and WMA.
9. Extract audio from ASF, AVI, VCD DAT, QuickTime MOV, MP4 (MPEG-4), MPG (MPEG-1 and MPEG-2), RealMedia RM, DVD VOB and WMV.

The extract format conversion supported:
* Supports RM, RMVB, RAM formats(Real Media).
* Supports AVI(DivX, XviD, MPEG4...) formats.
* Supports MPEG I/II, VCD SVCD(.dat), DVD(.vob) formats.
* Supports WMV, ASF formats.
* Supports MOV, QT formats(Quick Time).
* Supports AIFF, AU, MPA, SND formats(Quick Time).
* Supports WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, etc audio formats.
* All supported formats to MP3.
* All supported formats to WAV.
* All supported formats to AVI.
* All supported formats to WMA.
* All supported formats to OGG.
* WAV/AVI with Microsoft ADPCM,Windows Media Audio,WM Speech Encoder,WMAudio Encoder.
* WAV/AVI with PCM,CCITT A-Law,CCITT u-Law,DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM),GSM6.10,IMA ADPCM,Lernout & Hauspie CELP.
* Very fast and without any quality loss.
* Very friendly user-interface.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Protected Music Converter 2018

Protected Music Converter is a software tool you can use for conversion of wide range of different audio file formats to most commonly used formats like MP3, OGG, WMA, WAV. This software is especially useful in case if you have protected music files you want to listen on playback device, which doesn't support particular DRM technology, like audio CD player, iPod, Zune or other portable digital player, cell phone, Pocket PC, etc.
Main features of Protected Music Converter:
Straight and easy to use interface
You can easily convert your music file with just few mouse clicks: add your music files to batch list, select appropriate output format and press start button. You can create custom profiles for output format settings or use build-in standard profiles, Drag'n'Drop, Copy/Paste from MS Explorer are also included.
Fast and easy installation procedure
It means no additional drivers are installed , no extra sound system detection screens, just usual file copy procedure.
Protected music files conversion
All protected music files playable by both Windows Media Player and QuickTime Player can be converted to unprotected MP3, WMA OGG, WAV. This is not protection removal though, software just plays protected files and places resulting sound into unprotected music file.
Wide range of supported input formats
All music files with filename extensions listed below are supported as valid input files for Protected Music Converter: wma, m4p, m4b, m4a, ulw, au, sd2, amr, gsm, adts, caf, mpeg, mpg, m1s, m1v, m1a, m75, m15, mp2, mpm, mpv, mpa, snd, 3gp, 3gpp, m4v, swa, amc, 3g2, 3gp2, drv-ms, aif, aiff, aifc, asf, asx, wm, wmx, wmd, wmz, mp3, wax, ogg, wav, aac
Batch conversion support
Most recent audio codecs support
Protected Music Converter uses most recent audio codecs, it internally supports WMA and OGG formats, for MP3 encoding it uses LAME encoder 3.97

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1st SoundTaxi Professional 2018

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a technology that affects all users of computers, media players, mobile phones and other devices. You may be frustrated with your favorite music can't be played on your iPod, audio CD player, Zune or other portable digital player, cell phone, Pocket PC because of the DRM protection.
So, many online music stores use DRM to restrict free usage of music. You have to pay every song to play on your music player because of the DRM restriction.
Now, SoundTaxi Professional enables you to remove DRM protection and convert protected music file to: MP3, AAC, MPEG4 that can be played on your MP3 player, iPod, audio CD player, Zune or other portable digital player, Mobile. With SoundTaxi Professional, you can enjoy your favorite music at anytime and anywhere without DRM restriction.
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

SoundTaxi 107.4.16

SoundTaxi Easily convert DRM protected music files and various audio files to unprotected MP3, CD, iPod and other MP3 player file formats at high speed and CD quality- legally.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Xilisoft Audio Converter

Xilisoft Audio Converter is a powerful MP3/MP4/WAV Converter. It can convert between many popular audio formats, such as MP3, WAV, WMA, MP4, M4A, MP2, VQF, APE, OGG, AAC and FLAC etc. One of featured function is that Xilisoft Audio Converter supports converting m4a to mp3, mp4 to mp3. In addition, you can also use it to convert video formats including AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF to all popular audio files. All conversion processes are very easy and fast.

1. With Xilisoft Audio Converter, you can make batch conversion;
2. you can copy ID3 tag between audio formats (reserve ID3 tag during conversion);
3. You can select the compression method, sample rate, bitrate, stereo or mono when converting your files;
4. you can select whether delete or keep the original files;
5. And when converting to MP3, bitrate, VBR or CBR, stereo or mono are selectable etc.

In conclusion, with powerful functions, fast ripping and converting speed, excellent output quality, Xilisoft Audio Converter is recommended as a perfect product worthy of trying. And with our prompt and effectual One Business Day Email Service, you can be unhesitating to let us know if you have any questions about us and our products.

Just download and enjoy this excellent product right now!

Xilisoft Corporation focuses on the users' experience all along, offering the most easy-to-use software and consummate service.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

MMshall Video Audio Separator

MMshall Video Audio Separator is a powerful audio ripper for video. It can extract audio from almost all video formats, e.g. DivX, XviD, AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, ASF, RMVB, RM, RAM, MOV, VOB, FLV, SWF(simple), 3GP, 3G2, MP4, SVCD, VCD to MP3, OGG, AMR, AAC, AC3, WAV formats. Also you can use MMshall Video Audio Converter to convert your other format audio music to these formats herein.
The default setting of output format is proper for you. An easy-to-use interface allows you to enjoy working with video files without frequently consulting reference materials. The batch conversion is very fast ! Only a few steps, You can get the high quality audio(music) promptly.

Key Features:
· Support to output popular audio formats including mp3, ogg, aac, amr, wav, ac3.
· Support more popular input video formats:3gp, mp4, 3g2, rmvb, rm, ram, avi, mov, vob(dvd), mpeg, mpg, wmv, asf, flv, swf and so on.
· Support to convert popular audio formats(e.g. wma) to mp3, ogg, aac, amr, wav to play on mobile device.
· Support Batch conversion and drag-drop method.
· You can use the recommended default settings or set parameters of the audio codec by your need.
· When converting files, you can cancel, stop at any moment;
· It is very fast and with high quality.
· Very User-friendly interface and easy to use.
· Life free technical support and upgrade.

More information, please visit


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Thursday, April 15, 2010

TV Software Platinum

TV Software is the best available software online today to watch thousands of satellite movies and listen to radio channels from all over the globe. This software is being offered at the lowest possible price, with guaranteed maximum quality. With over 3000 channels, quality and quantity is here.
The full version software package comes with an automatic membership to receive all the stations.
TV Software allows you to capture your channels from any location in the world. This makes it great when you download it to your laptop. As long as you have Internet access, you can plug in and watch. Our product has been in development for many years, and has been revamped by experts from major software corporations. With hundreds of thousands of dollars of research and development put into this product, it is indeed the fastest, easiest and most cost effective way to view international television in todays high paced environment.

Why we are #1:

1. Watch over 3000 satellite channels

2. Can be used from anywhere in the world

3. User friendly interface

4. Compatible with all versions of Windows

5. No extra hardware or TV card required

6. More than one million satisfied users

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

MP3 CD Ripper

MP3 CD Ripper - An excellent CD to MP3 converter which helps you to rip CD and convert CD to MP3, WAV, WMA, etc. The CD Ripper can convert CD to MP3, convert CD to OGG. Besides, ImTOO CD Ripper is not only a CD to MP3 converter or CD to MP3 ripper, but also can convert between various audio formats including MP3, WAV, AAC, OGG, APE.

Click image to enlarge Being an MP3 CD ripper, the main function of ImTOO CD Ripper is ripping CD tracks to MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, VQF etc. With the friendly interface, you will complete CD ripping within a few minutes.
Being an audio converter, ImTOO CD Ripper also can convert between all main-stream audio formats such as MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, MP2, VQF, APE etc. In addition, it supports conversion between MP2/MP3 and RIFF-WAV.
With variable settings it is the right one for digital music fans. It supports ID3 tag and retrieves track info from the remote CDDB.

Software Features:
1. Super fast conversion speed provided as it full supports Intel Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon? 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor which ensures full use of your CPU
2. Batch conversion supported and the more files you convert within one time the faster ImTOO OGG Converter works than other audio converters.
3. Easy to use as all the properties and settings are displayed in the interface which are easy to handle.
4. Supports ID3 tag and all ID3 tags in the original files will be reserved after the conversion.
5. Encoders/decoders are built-in for you to finish the supported conversion directly.
6. Sound normalization supported and you can control the output volume.
7. You are able to edit the output path at will or choose to use the same one as the input path.
8. Selectable Bit Rate offered.
9. Excellent output quality is offered

Recommand Link:

change dat movie to MP4

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jason DVD to Mac iPod Converter

DVD to iPod Converter is all-in-one professional mp4 converter software .it design for anyone who wants to enjoy DVD movies on the Mac iPod Player ..With DVD to Mac iPod Converter, you are able to convert all favorite movies into your portable video device and watch them wherever and whenever you want. is it cool? yes! portability ages is coming!
DVD to iPod Converter is able to convert almost DVD to Apple iPod MP4 files. It contain H.264 and Xvid decoder to help you convert it with quick speed and hight quality. It also support select subtitle and Audio Tack to Export. It is a really smart software that just four clicks completes the task of video conversion. (1)Open DVD, (2)Select Output Type,(3)Select Destination, (4)Press Start !

Recommand Link:

3gp To Iriver

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

SDR Convert Audio

SDR Convert Audio is a very useful tool to convert popular audio formats. The easy to use interface will allow you to convert audio files from one format to another. It's fast and easy to use.
Main fatures:
Fast and Easy to Use
Support for 11 Audio Formats
Convert single files or multiple files
Built-in Audio Player

Why choose SDR Convert Audio?
So easy to use tha only a few clicks are enough to convert any audio format to other format.
You can easly extract the soundtrack of any movie.
Built-in Audio Player

Recommand Link:

WINDOWS divx avi to psp

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Professional MPEG4 Xvid ASF Encode

Professional MPEG4 Xvid ASF Encode is a professional and easy-to-use AVI to iPod Zune iPhone Converter, convert AVI file to MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, VCD, DVD, SVCD, MPEG1/2/4 formats. also can support batch video files conversion of different video formats such as DVD AVI MPEG ASF MOV SWF at the same time. Besides, it also can support to burn VCD SVCD DVD. And best of all, it has a powerful video decompress/compress engine that convert whole AVI movie to DVD in 30 minutes! Except for converting AVI to iPod Video and converting Video to iPod,it also supports converting among MPG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video!

Recommand Link:

Quickly change mkv to asf

Sunday, March 7, 2010

5Star MP4 Video Converter

5Star MP4 Video Converter is a professional video converter which can convert video files from AVI, MPEG, MPG, WMV, Xvid, DivX, ASF, MOV, VOB, etc to MP4,H.264 with fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It can convert formats among AVI, MPEG, MPG, WMV, Xvid, DivX, ASF, MOV, VOB, etc and MP4,H.264 formats. You are able to handle this program easily with its user-friendly interface, even without a manual or help document. Additionally, it provides an easy way to convert video file to popular audio file, like MP3, M4A, AAC, WAV, etc. Safe to install and viruses-free. We respect your privacy. So there are no spyware and adware in 5Star MP4 Video Converter Buy 5Star MP4 Video Converter to have a wonderful experience right now!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Mono-a-Mono removes scratches and tape or surface noise from stereo recordings of mono sources. It can be used to enhance digital recordings of old records (whether 78, 45, or 33 rpm, shellac, acetate or vinyl), audio tapes (reel-to-reel or cassette), or even cylinder recordings, provided only that the playback and digitisation of the signal has been performed in stereo, but the original source was mono. It rarely needs any configuration or tweaking. It produces excellent results automatically.

Mono-a-Mono uses a simple muting algorithm to remove the most obvious clicks, and then filters out any components which are not present in both left and right channels. In this way, almost all the audible surface noise can be removed, and there are very few cases where any audible artefacts are introduced.

Although designed to process any stereo recording of a mono source, Mono-a-Mono has some features which are especially well-suited to processing old records such as 78 rpm discs and cylinders: it allows bass and treble frequencies to be boosted or cut (to compensate for the different equalisation characteristics used during the recording process) and it has a "click removal" function to reduce the effect of the worst scratches and clicks from old recordings. Two further sliders control simple filters to remove low-frequency rumble/hum and high-frequency hiss.

The "Click Remover" slider controls the sensitivity of the click suppression algorithm, while the "Silence Enhancer" controls the suppression of quiet signals. It makes those sections of a recording quieter (the way they were meant to be). The "Rejuvenator" performs a similar function for the louder sections, reducing the audibility of any wear-and-tear (or other distortion).

Mono-a-Mono is a very cost-effective method for hiding defects in old records. The default settings are usually good, but the various modules can be controlled independently to cope with even the most difficult recordings.

Recommand Link:

what is best mpg to epson p-5000 SOFTWARE

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Video DVD To iPhone Converter

Put Your Videos on iPhone, MP4 Player with new VIDEO DVD To iPhone Converter!
We, the leader in video and audio conversion technologies, today announces VIDEO DVD To iPhone Converter, an award-winning video converter that provides conversion from almost all videos to iPhone format.
VIDEO DVD To iPhone Converter strengthens the commitment to Windows OS with a full support for Vista. Other significant new features include a support for MPEG-4 that let users prepare video for wireless communication devices, such as iPod, mp4 player and cell phones.
With VIDEO DVD To iPhone Converter, You can make precise video clips with a tolerance of 0.01second.

Taking advantage of the expertise that has established AnMing's award-winning VIDEO DVD To iPhone Converter as a widely adopted standard in video conversion, version 1.0 extends the program's functionality with new features that provide the following key benefits:

- Added support for wireless communication devices through the implementation of MPEG-4 encoding. MPEG-4 is a widely-adopted video standard for Zune, PSP, MP4 players. With new VIDEO DVD To iPhone Converter, users can convert a video or movie to MPEG-4 and watch it on their Zune whenever and wherever they want: in the subway car, fitness centre, airplane or school lounge. Users can enjoy the benefits of wireless video even on their cell phones!
Other enhancements include a better video support with multiple built-in decoder engines, improved conversion speed, improved method for decoding RMVB, RM,DVD, MP4, MOV 7, M4V video, DIVX AVI,almost all videos and many other features.

Recommand Link:

changing mjpeg INTO mjpeg

Sunday, February 21, 2010

MIDI Converter Studio

MIDI Converter Studio is a handy software utility that converts MIDI files to WAV, MP3, OGG and WMA formats. Users can simply drag and drop a MIDI file from Windows Explorer, and the rest is done automatically. The tool is brainlessly simple, yet packed with enough options to please even the most demanding music professionals.

MIDI Converter Studio can use all common MIDI file formats (MIDI 0, MIDI 1, Karaoke MIDI, RIFF MIDI 0, RIFF MIDI 1) as a source. When converting MIDI files, users have an option to alter bit rate, frequency and Mono/Stereo settings as necessary. In addition to that, users can insert tags inside the newly converted file, if desired.

The program comes with a built-in player, so converted tracks can be played back right after conversion has been completed. Also, the software comes with the batch conversion option and is capable of simultaneously converting multiple MIDI files at the same time.

MIDI Converter Studio is perfect for professional and amateur musicians who compose MIDI tracks and need a simple, inexpensive tool to convert MIDI files to common formats, like WAV or MP3. Free trial version is available.

Main features:

* Fast MIDI converter that uses soundfont files.
* An easy-to-use Windows XP interface.
* MIDI to WAV converter.
* MIDI to MP3 converter.
* MIDI to WMA converter.
* MIDI to OGG converter.
* You can change tempo of MIDI files.
* Support for MIDI 0, MIDI 1, Karaoke MIDI, RIFF MIDI 0, RIFF MIDI 1.
* A full support of ID3 MP3 tags!
* ... and much more.

Recommand Link:

dat to flv program

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Video Downloader Converter Pac

This suite provides Sothink Web Video Downloader, Video Encoder for Adobe Flash, FLV Converter and SWF to Video Converter. It helps you to download, edit and convert video from internet just with few clicks to share your videos with your friends from all of the world.

*Sothink Video Encoder for Adobe Flash can fast convert your video to Flash files (SWF and FLV) with excellent performance, and speed up your video hosting and sharing business over the Internet. This professional Flash video encoder supports almost all popular video formats including AVI, MPEG, MOV etc. It is quite an easy-to-use but powerful video to Flash converter tool. Take just simple steps to convert video to Flash Video files (FLV) with high quality.

*Sothink Web Video Downloader, a convenient video downloader, can detect any live video from internet, capture video, download video and save video to your hard disk for offline enjoyment. It enables you to capture and download Flash videos (flv) from popular video websites such as YouTube, MSN, Google, etc. It also supports downloading video in other formats (swf, wmv, asf, avi, mov, mp4, m4v, 3gp, rm, rmvb, etc.) from most video hosting sites and blogs.

Recommand Link:

Convert flv video to wma

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

MP4 Converter with 08

MP4 Converter - is DVD to iPod MP4 converter and video to iPod MP4 converter all-in-one software, very useful for converting video AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, ASX to MP4 and convert DVD VOB files to MP4 Video format for playing on your Apple video iPod player.
MP4 Converter - a video to iPod converter support convert popular video formats: *.avi, *.wmv, *.asf, *.asx, *.mpg, *.m1v, *.m2v, *.m2p, *.vob etc. to MP4 iPod video format.
MP4 Converter - is also DVD to iPod converter software for Apple Video iPod Player. It can convert DVD VOB files to MP4 iPod Video format directly with very fast conversion speed, It is easy to use, just put the DVD movie disc on your DVD-ROM, select the VOB file(s) you hope to convert to MP4.

Recommand Link:

Convert Mpeg To Flv

Monday, January 25, 2010

5Star ASF Video Converter

5Star ASF Video Converter is a piece of extremely powerful and full-featured converter software that supports almost all video and audio formats. It supports almost all popular video formats, e.g. MPEG, MP4, WMV, Xvid, DivX, ASF, MOV, VOB, etc to ASF. 5Star ASF Video Converter supports batch conversion. Additionally, it provides an easy way to convert video file to popular audio file, like MP3, M4A, AAC, WAV, etc. Safe to install and viruses-free. We respect your privacy. So there are no spyware and adware in 5Star ASF Video Converter There's nothing groundbreaking here, but 5Star ASF Video Converter's nice looks, decent functionality, and the price make it a solid competitor.

Recommand Link:

convert mpeg to flv

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Asee CloneDVD- DVD software

CloneDVD is a flexible and easy to use DVD movie copy software. Without special setting, CloneDVD auto removes all protections (CSS, RC, RCE, UOPs and Sony ARccOS) while copying, lets you freely copy all of your DVD movie collections.

DVD movie conversion, makes you freely convert DVD as various MPEG4 file to expand your multimedia entertainment on most popular portable devices.

DVD Title / Chapter preview, lets you access DVD content in advance, helps you decide what to copy and what to remove

Multiple copy modes, Entire Disc, Main Movie, Customize, Split Disc. You can copy the whole movie, copy main movie only with extras and special features omitted, personalize your DVDs only favorite title/chapter/subtitle/audio remained, you even can custom the target DVD video size to fit your disc.

Free source and target, Copy/burn from DVD disc, Copy/burn from DVD folder on hard disk, Burn to DVD disc, Copy to DVD folder on hard disk, Create ISO image file, Convert as MPEG4 file

High compatibility, CloneDVD supports all popular single-layer, dual-layer DVD disc and DVD burner, the copied disc is playable on both PC and stand-alone DVD player.

Recommand Link:

rm to 3gp conversion tool

Monday, January 11, 2010

Allok Video Converter

Allok Video Converter is an All-in-One video converting tool which can convert all video files to AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, H264, 3GP, FLV etc.

Allok Video Converter includes a powerful media conversion engine internally so that you can convert media files with very fast speed and excellent video quality.

With Allok Video Converter you can convert your video files into the formats you need to watch on TV, put on a website, create a presentation, watch on your iPod, iPhone,Apple TV, Xbox, Archos and much more.

Simple GUI and very easy to use. Lifetime free technical support and free upgrade .30 day money back guarantee.

Supports AVI, Divx, XviD, MPEG, WMV, ASF, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, FLV, MKV, MOD.

Recommand Link:

how to convert avi to matroska

Monday, January 4, 2010

MP3 to WAV Converter

The MP3 to WAV Converter is an easy to use tool to convert mp3 file to WAV file or convert WAV file to MP3 file in batches. After coverting, you can use these wav file to burn your own CD audio(Assuming you have a CD-R) with you CD-R program, or modified it by using your favorite audio editor, you can also converting wav file format to the mp3 file. MP3 to WAV Converter is also a cool mp3 player, wave player. With this extremely useful software you can convert your MP3 files into WAV files for creating custom CD's or for editing in your favorite editor! It's easy to use, prestissimo speed, wonderful output quality, converting in batches, saving play&convert list automatically.

Recommand Link:

convert xvid to mp3